Initiate a life more passionately and practically lived!
Make life more than something that happens to you. Make it something you create. Join me in discovering the keys to knowing yourself and taking charge of your reality. Crucial elements to a life well and truly created. All you need to kick start this new beginning is insight mixed with encouragement. Which is where I come in. Let me be your catalyst and your cheerleader.
Lesley Francis

Coloring Outside the Box
It’s a podcast. Part astrology, part insight, part wisdom and part humor, Coloring Outside the Box is an exploration is all the nooks and crannies of being human. Join Lesley as she shares her observations on what the bleep is going on.

Explore the pathways of your life in an intuitive or astrological session. Find answers to your questions about relationships, career, finances, life purpose and personal development as well as the insight, wisdom and understanding to help navigate any challenges.

Female First
Lesley provides exclusive content to this online British magazine, including her monthly Star Track forecast and an episode of Coloring Outside the Box (which will not be available on YouTube).

About Lesley
A full-time practising astrologer, intuitive, facilitator and author with more than 25 years of experience, Lesley passionately seeks to support people in their greatest act of creativity – living life – through consultations,webinars and writing (she is the author of the 2019 and 2020 Llewellyn Sun Sign books). Creator of Star Cards, she loves talking and making people laugh.
“In short, she knows the craft, and with a 25-year background in journalism, she presents the planetary highlights via a flowing, engaging and informative narrative.” Dell Horoscope magazine (2020)
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Thank You
For exploring my world.
Special thanks to Lea Polny for her design input and her photo of the pathway and to Betty MacRae for her photo of the foxes)(www.facebook.com/bettymacraefineartphotography.
I look forward to connecting with you. You can contact me through aquarisstellium@outlook.com or by calling me at 780-435-4375.